The Scholars' clerics join politics - the right way of life

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Scholars' clerics join politics

The Scholars' clerics join politics 

if the scholars join the political world of fear will enter the vortex of political thought is a danger to his followers because actually who knows the religion only advise if there is a wrong leader of the road "in my opinion"

the way of life with politics is different can not be mixed, scholars for 1 faith while the leader for all beliefs

how is the fate of other faiths when one of their leaders comes to be a leader?

is it up to him? can not the leader should protect all things should not put forward any religion any religion, unless it is only one religion, indonesia wide boss can not impose 1 will and destroy other will

we must live in harmony, whatever your religion, we must know it, indonesia is free because we are united after united continue to break this is not true.

the danger if religious leaders join the politics, this can divide the nation because 1 supporters of beliefs with 1 supporters of belief will be at loggerheads, when all the political figures then who mediator and balancing? no more neutral figure of politics can be dangerous, no longer bertegur greeting, but that characteristic of the east like Indonesia is

submit all political affairs to the experts, is not it all to the experts of each, religious leaders let educate the regeneration to get to know the religious order

something if not done by the experts then wait for the destruction

taking care of the government is not easy, it needs more ability one of them patient to be criticized

leaders must know the problems faced by the people, and able to complete or at least reduce the burden on the people

religious leaders should provide insight into the president's true work, and work for all not for himself and his cronies

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