Religion is the Rule of Human Life - the right way of life

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Religion is the Rule of Human Life

 Religion is the Rule of Human Life
life rule
life rule

but often religion is misused for political purposes,this will and can tarnish the name of religion itself, whereas religion is never guilty is wrong is the person of the religion before, but so many are in the name of religion.

a lot of issues about politics in the name of religion, the tip of the end for power, this strategy ever experienced in the past is the real betrayal in religion.

many leaders are selected from our group but not the least are also corrupt, have a lot of proof because all humans are basically wrong "inget man wrong place and forget". but many of them feel righteous when in fact they are not true.

man many wrong but consider himself right, this is an endless fallacy unless he dies. because death is the only one capable of destroying all.

actually this simple life is difficult is the mind we do not want to accept the success of others. the envy that is in man will never disappear until the person is really aware of it.

no end for what? just wasting time and energy alone, let's think to build and do not once think to deny or damage because that mind never progress.

talking about the ugliness of the political opponent will not add to your degree, it will open your teak that you are worse than him. by kang-woto

when I'm a kid I do not care about the government, it's all there is not because there is or not they never affect my life and my family. we belong to the poorest people because for eating tomorrow morning we have to think again. I'm a small time-ordering new order.

i can not speak english, please forgive me if i write wrong. I use traslate to write. please be advised. again I apologize.

I am amazed with people overseas why they are smarter than me, they can do what they want but not with my limited desire to do. what has become my thinking is only a dream and a dream, except this blog can be famous then it could be another story because I have income to create another and create what I think.

but what power and who am I. I'm just an inadequate person who tries his might and mind to move on. I always hope tomorrow will be beautiful and can feel good food at the dinner table.

another time dial again with a different theme. because for the theme this time up here first thank you and see you again.

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