President Jokowi Great In Guiding Indonesia But Many Elites Who Want Changed What is this - the right way of life

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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

President Jokowi Great In Guiding Indonesia But Many Elites Who Want Changed What is this

President Jokowi Great In Guiding Indonesia But Many Elites Who Want Changed What is this
presiden jokowi
no president as good as jokowi in this world let alone just in indonesia, jokowi is the best president of all time.

his intelligent mindset he built all the infrastructure from the edge of the village, from a muddy road up to the city.

the policy makes the political elite opponent hot, there is no gap to divide for fee.

he abolished the tradition of corruption, almost all systems were closed for the gap of corruption, his leadership system was transparent

he is the best president at the moment

he was born of a commoner, a carpenter only furniture, but his thinkers were able to change bad habits, his method of eliminating consumption subsidies and building infrastructure.

there are so many advantages of this former solo mayor, he does not want to think of people who slander him just silent and work work and work. there is no 1 reply to think of reply, solitoladan leader

jokowi is the most valuable asset of the nation he is the president and we must admit that he is the best in indonesia the number 1 person.

I like the style of leadership, I'm sure though many elites who want him backward but I'm sure the people of Indonesia still love him because he can work.

I think the cleric only advise not participate in politics if the government is right then say right not looking for loopholes and kebobrokan, this is not the nature of scholars. scholars are those who know the science of religion instead of using religion for the sake of worldly position

jokowi thin people rarely sleep just work to serve the people, his work is never tired he is a leader in idamkan idamkan overseas, for example like malaysia try searching on the internet a lot of news

many foreign magazines preach jokowi, because jokowi deserves to be preached and coveted. his figure shocked the universe he was jokowi.di the beginning of his leadership a lot of political elites who do not like but come here on the creature, he can prove to the people that he can work

I am sure if Indonesia is led again by jokowi Indonesia will be very good from the year previous year

healthy always jokowi president of indonesia president of the small people and the best president in the world

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