Live Straight According to Islam - the right way of life

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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Live Straight According to Islam

Live Straight According to Islam Ahlussunnah Wal Jamā'ah (Aswaja) distinguishes between the text of revelation (the Qur'an and the Sunnah), its interpretation and application, in an effort to perform tahqīq manāth (ensuring the compatibility of legal causes for events) and takhrīj manāth (understanding the cause of law). This methodology gave birth to Aswaja. Aswaja is the majority of Muslims throughout time and age, so other groups refer to them as: "Al-'Āmmah (common people) or Al-Jumhūr", because more than 90 percent of Muslims are Aswaja. They transmit the text of revelation very well, they interpret it, describe the mujmal (global), then manifest it in the life of this world, so they prosper the earth and all that is on it. Aswaja is a group that makes the Jibri traditions narrated by Muslims in their Shahīh, as the proposition for the division of religious pillars into three: Faith, Islam and Ihsān, to then share knowledge with three main sciences, namely: aqeedh, fiqh and suluk. Every priest of the Aswaja priests has carried out his duties according to the talents that God has given. They not only understand the text of revelation, but they also emphasize the importance of understanding the reality of life.

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