When Muslims Are Tested - the right way of life

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Thursday, July 5, 2018

When Muslims Are Tested

When Muslims Are Tested. Indonesia is the largest country for the inhabitants of Islam, but unfortunately with the size of the Islamic ummah in Indonesia is used for political interests, whereas religion in Indonesia is not appropriate if in making a tool to the temporal position of the world.
 politics with religion

politics with religion

this started because there is no gap to bring down the president of Indonesia who is currently actively build the country.

jokowi work with the heart, eradicate mafia and corruption in Indonesia, but with the power of work jokowi will certainly lead to unhealthy competition between presidential candidates in the year 2019. when jokowi no weakness then there is a slander that continues on allegation to jokowi.

I believe god still entrust jokowi for Indonesia in the future, I believe that Indonesia will go ahead with jokowi, see work and development by the best president of Indonesia even the world jokowidodo

politics is dirty, when there is no power to defeat the lwan then come out its original nature

indonesia is great in pimpin jokowi, indonesia strong in pimpin jokowi, indonesia success in pimpin jokowi indonesia cool in pimpin jokowi .

Jokowi's leadership style ignores the political opponents who attack him, jokowi focused work for the people. This is the leader's best defense.

I wonder, there are people as good and clever president jokowi but there are those who do not like? What is this? This must be something that people do not know. usually there is something in the political elite hide. I am sure if you do not have a purpose then you will recognize that true jokowi can work for the people of Indonesia, he who managed to build the country and the best president 2018.

Islam should not be a political tool, Islam is a religion of peace and does not advocate to hate, Islam is a love of ethnicity,

if religion is made into a political tool hence the resentment, no longer mutually say hello, just because of politics, too dear life.

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