The danger of radical Understanding in Indonesia - the right way of life

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Sunday, July 1, 2018

The danger of radical Understanding in Indonesia

The danger of radical Understanding in Indonesia

radicalism is a notion that wants to change drastically in any way including physical and ideological violence
The danger of radical Understanding in Indonesia
The danger of radical Understanding in Indonesia

this way is not justified in any religion, let alone Islam, Islam is a forgiving religion and a religion that upholds tolerance, if there is Islam that puts the violence is not Islam but the person who is in the name of Islam

my islam from indonesia conveys the message that islam love peace, islam islam and is islam perfect religion

radical is an improper flow, I see heart dishonesty on radical's ineluctability when understanding this problem can be dangerous.

I am proud to be born in the Middle of Islam, but I am ashamed to see Muslim brothers sometimes as good as own justify what he thinks is right and blame what he thinks wrong.padahal truth belongs only to God

I am afraid if in let it will be hate one group with another class again.

Javanese tradition culture unites and understands the true meaning of life

I do not know what the opinion of people abroad to Islam Indonesia

My hope of Indonesia can be an example of prosperity and high tolerance

stepping on the difference is certainly not good but that's what I see in this country.

Islam does not justify and does not mean to interpret its own scripture, there must be a bid in interpreting the meaning formula

his peace has a positive effect and calm, talking about other people's unjust is not justified in Islam,what is more insulting and to seriously hurt acts that hate Allah.

Indonesia is about to be the highest election democracy party in this country
now the time to insult and humiliated, there are those who like to ugly but there are nanggepi polite, Islam becomes a vehicle for politics, sometimes 1 citizens with other citizens hate each other because not the same choose leaders

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